Grow Your Cannabusiness With Higher Search Engine Rankings

Every day millions of people use search engines to find marijuana businesses just like yours. However, the majority of search engine traffic only goes to the websites ranking near the top of the 1st page – that’s where the most money (and competition) is.

The practice of search engine optimization, widely known as SEO, involves improving and promoting your website in order to rank higher on search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Although SEO methods sound simple in theory, in practice they require a lot of time and energy. As many business owners have found out the hard way, it’s extremely competitive to rank at the top, especially if you aren’t sure what you’re doing.

Simply having a website isn’t enough to get your Cannabusiness discovered on Google, but solid SEO starts with a well-built website.

Search engine optimization includes numerous intricate tasks, such as:

These days it seems like everyone is offering SEO services, from college kids looking to earn a few extra bucks for more Ramen Noodles to “I don’t want to leave the house” couch potatoes. So, you might be wondering: 

What makes us different from them?

Green Scene Marketing is proudly backed by over 12 years of SEO experience, hundreds of first-page keyword rankings, and proven results.

Why Keyword Rankings Matter

Google has 10 positions on each page for websites to appear in the organic results section. The “not top 100” position means your site does not appear in the first 10 pages of Google for this keyword.

Since 90% of people do not click on results past the first page on the SERPs, achieving 1st page rankings are imperative for your campaign to be successful.

The most important thing about these potential searchers is that they are people that are uniquely qualified because they are at the last stage of the buying cycle. This gives you the opportunity to be in front of them the exact moment that they are ready to purchase your products.

We do extensive keyword research with the best proprietary keyword research tools to determine the highest converting potential keywords for your campaign. Our primary goal for your campaign’s target keyword phrases is to obtain 1st page results. Achieving this goal drives significant traffic, conversions, and revenue for your company.

SEO is a long-term strategy. There are thousands of ranking factors that influence your results from SEO. Generally, you will start to see results within the first few months, but the real benefits of SEO pay off from years of top keyword rankings.

Once you start to rank higher, it’s much easier to rank for new keywords and to increase your rankings overall. This is why it’s so valuable to invest in SEO as early in your business as possible.

Marijuana businesses have a huge opportunity right now, because the SEO competition is at its lowest point that it will ever be. Gaining an early lead in your niche or market within the cannabis industry can virtually guarantee your business high organic traffic for life!

Unlike other mainstream industries where early SEO-adopters have dominated the rankings for decades, the marijuana industry is still in its earliest stages and the top rankings are completely up for grabs. We want your Cannabusiness to own the first page of Google for your most valuable keywords now and decades from now!

What does better rankings mean for your Cannabusiness?

  • Top ranked sites generate thousands and, in some cases, millions of dollars in additional revenue.
  • Companies with top ranked websites feature significantly higher valuations.
  • One top ranked tech firm claimed a 40:1 return for every dollar spent on SEO.

  • A completely optimized site maximizes your opportunity with your available customers and is devastating to your competition.
  • Doubling the conversion rate of your site is the equivalent of increasing the number of site visitors by 100%.
  • Best of all, the only limitation to organic traffic growth is the total number of people searching online for what your Cannabusiness offers.

The seeds you plant today will grow your organic traffic exponentially over time and give you a powerful competitive advantage. As the marijuana industry continues to blossom, SEO will become more competitive, meaning it will require more time and money to get first-page rankings than it does today.

On the other hand, the value of those keyword rankings will dramatically increase as your Cannabusiness is allowed to expand nationally! Investing in SEO today is one of the most cost-effective, long-term solutions any marijuana business could consider.

We’ve got a green thumb for growing search rankings, so your Cannabusiness is in good hands with us. No SEO company understands the unique challenges of the marijuana industry like we do and very few have proven results that can compete with ours.

Green Scene Marketing is proudly backed by over 12 years of SEO experience, hundreds of first-page keyword rankings, and proven results.

Steps to Achieve Top Search Rankings

This is the initial research stage that allows us to customize a SEO game plan for your Cannabusiness.

Keyword Research

  • We determine valuable keywords and optimal number of keywords to promote for your campaign.
  • Using a combination of proprietary in-house tools and the best tools commercially available, we’ll identify which keywords are optimal.
  • We develop the ideal keyword strategy necessary to achieve our desired goal within a set time period.

Competitor Analysis

  • We determine the strength of links and identify link sources that can be replicated and improved upon as the competitive strategy of the site is developed.
  • We approach competitor links sources for link acquisition opportunities.
  • We find competitor vulnerabilities and capitalize upon those weaknesses.
In this phase we’ll handle the technical stuff on the back-end and update the content on the front-end of your website – laying the foundation for organic traffic growth.

Site Structure

  • An initial evaluation of your site structure will be done to locate anything negatively impacting your search engine visibility.
  • We look at internal site linking structure and basic site design, then identify and provide recommendations for necessary changes to optimize your site structure.
  • We analyze your website’s “calls to action”, “flow” and “purchasing paths” that impact user behavior on your site.
  • Your website optimization plan is reviewed and approved by your team.

Reporting and Analytics

  • First we’ll install Google Analytics, if it’s not currently installed on your website.
  • We develop baseline ranking report and analytics tracking, then send them to you via email with an explanation of how to use them.
  • A metrics dashboard will be created for you and we’ll explain how to use and get the most from it.

Content Update

  • You’ll be provided with a document outlining the changes needed to be implemented to complete website updates.
  • We’ll modify content to include keywords developed from keyword research.
  • We ensure the keyword density optimal for search bots.
Building links to your website dramatically impacts your SEO and amplifies the results from your website optimization.

  • First we’ll research and determine link opportunities in social media, blogs, directories, suppliers, business partners, linkbait, and other potential sources.
  • We’ll develop a link building and social sharing plan to grow your brand awareness and improve SEO.
  • You’ll receive your link building plan with a request for approval.
  • Ongoing monthly Link Building plan is implemented.
We’ll actively work to improve your SEO over time and show you how to measure the results.

  • We regularly review analytics to ensure website keyword traffic is increasing on Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
  • We’ll execute actionable site changes based on the hard data from analytics.
  • We review keywords to ensure most relevant words are being optimized, and make changes as necessary..
  • We’ll arrange a time to review keyword performance and strategy with you.
  • Once we’ve reached our desired goals for those keywords we’ll apply similar SEO techniques to a new set of keywords and begin the SEO process again.
  • You’ll have performance reviews with us to make sure we’re on track.
  • We continually monitor social media analytics and accounts to maximize SEO results.
  • Your website will acquire links from article submissions, if relevant.
  • We’ll share a monthly KPI report with you in regularly scheduled meetings.

SEO is a science and is better left to the professionals. 

The proof is in the pudding.

Just ask and we will happily provide you with a list of case studies showing other businesses, like yours, that have benefited from our services.

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Tell us what you’re struggling with and we’ll give you a solution!