The Value of Hiring a Professional Marketing Firm

Hiring a marketing agency is a significant investment for your up and coming Cannabusiness. The first question on your mind should be: “Is it worth it?”

The short answer is yes, it’s well worth it.

However, we don’t expect you to take our word for it. The success of our clients speaks for itself.
Before we look at one of our client case studies, let’s take a look at the value of digital marketing (often referred to as “inbound marketing”) overall. Here are some statistics that prove the ROI of the type of services we offer:

  • Businesses that mainly rely on inbound marketing save more than $14 for every newly acquired customer (source)
  • The cost of 3 out of 4 inbound marketing channels is less than the cost of any outbound marketing (traditional advertising such as magazine, tv, radio, etc) channel (source)
  • Inbound leads cost 61% less on average than outbound leads (source)
  • Inbound marketing yields 3 times more leads per dollar than traditional methods (source)
  • Businesses that have prioritized blogging are 13x more likely to enjoy positive ROI (source)

The reason digital marketing is so effective is simple – people prefer to research brands and shop online more than ever. Potential customers would much rather see your Cannabusiness on the first page of Google than see your ad in a magazine.

The keys to being successful with inbound marketing are expertise and consistency. You have to know what you’re doing and you have to stick with it to see results.

This is where the problem starts for small businesses…

Should I hire a marketing agency or handle everything myself?

As a savvy business owner, it’s very tempting to try to do all of your own marketing, especially in the start up phase when you don’t have a lot of extra capital. However, the biggest issue with doing everything yourself is that you have to spend your most valuable asset – your time – and a lot of it.

While there are plenty of valuable resources available for learning digital marketing, mastering the best practices takes years. In addition to the time it takes to teach yourself everything, the actual work involved is very time consuming, as well.

What typically ends up happening is the business owner tries to do everything, which takes their time and focus away from what they’re good at and other areas of their business. After months or even years of not getting the results expected, because they lack the expertise or effective digital marketing, the business owners end up extremely frustrated.

Eventually they break down and hire help, but at this point they have already wasted months (or years) of their time, slowing the growth of their Cannabusiness. Instead, they could’ve asked for help from the beginning and several months later they would already be reaping the benefits.

This is where the problem starts for small businesses…

We provide several valuable resources, specifically for businesses in the marijuana industry, that you should check out.

The Value of Hiring a Professional Marketing Firm

Hiring a marketing agency gives you a huge advantage right from the start. You save all of the time and headaches required to learn the marketing skills yourself and the results come much quicker.

Expert Service

Think about it… anyone can setup a small home grow operation. But it takes a professional team to manage a large scale grow operation that supplies several medicinal dispensaries with the best products. When you hire a reputable marketing agency you get that professional team, they’re prepared to take your marketing to the next level and can handle campaigns big and small.

Save Time and Hassle

In business, time is money. Hiring a marketing firm saves you all of the time and hassle associated with building a website, creating content, optimizing for search engines, writing and distributing press releases, branding, and everything else required to successfully market your Cannabusiness.

Leverage Advanced Marketing Tools

Marketing agencies often spend tens of thousands of dollars every month on advanced marketing tools that allow us to take a highly-strategic approach. In fact, our expertise in these tools is one of the reasons that agencies get better results.

Access to Valuable Networks

One thing that sets us apart from other marketing agencies is the fact that we have deep roots in the marijuana industry. Over the last 8 years we have accumulated a proprietary database of contacts from retail stores to social media influencers to media outlets that cover marijuana businesses. This is one of the most valuable assets we have and we are very proud of it!

Real Client Success – Yo Dabba Dabba

At Green Scene Marketing, we take a unique approach to marketing businesses in the cannabis industry. We aren’t your typical “inbound marketing” agency, because we often use a combination of inbound and outbound marketing methods.

We customize our strategy for your brand and the products or services you offer. Ultimately, our biggest concern is growing your Cannabusiness!

Yo Dabba Dabba is a company that specializes in concentrate tools. They needed to establish their online marketing presence and get their products in retail stores.

Our approach:

  1. Create in-depth articles to increase SEO of the website
  2. Capture beautiful product pictures
  3. Redesign their current “site” into and functional website
  4. Design attractive print materials
  5. Set up a direct sales campaign to pitch their products to retail locations

The Results

Yo Dabba Dabba now has a user-friendly website that makes their brand look great online and attracts leads through search engines. They also have high-quality marketing materials to hand out at trade shows and to send to prospects.

However, the sales campaign is what had the biggest impact on their business. Through a combination of marketing emails and sales calls, we were able to reach more leads and increase their conversion rates.

Hiring a professional marketing firm requires some upfront costs, but it’s an investment in your Cannabusiness that pays for itself and has tremendous long-term value.

If you’re interested in marketing services for your Cannabusiness, check out our services to see what we can do. If you have any questions or you’re ready to get started, get in touch with us today.

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